This fundraiser will allow many homeless individuals and families to have a safe roof over their heads, and those victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse to not only to have a roof over their head, but have a safe and secure place to live without the stress of threatened violence and not feel like a burden to others, until such time as they have been able to get back on their feet and move on.
We need money to buy or rent a building for the Outreach where people can come to us for temporary safe housing and for use to store supplies and to offer Christian Services. We need to purchase a house, motel, or some other building to create additional safe houses, somsomewhere in the southern eastern half of Florida to help Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach County families to rebuild their lives and start over, and have avaiable at no cost the tools and services needed to do this.
This hotel or residential building and the safe houses will be operated by the Charlies Angels Outreach Staff and the resident homeless, which we hope will offer self-worth and human skills and job training for future growth and employment. All of these people and families at the Hotel for Hope will be receiving medical and mental health counseling. We will also have support groups covering many areas such as alcohol abuse, drug abuse, physical abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, mental health abuse, and sexual gender preference, etc.
We will work close with Law Enforcement and other Public and Court Officials and Agencies to provide a safe place at Hotel for Hope until permanent placement is provided and the person and/or family is placed in their own living environment and emplaoment, and they are self-suffiencient enough to live on their own and take care of themselves. This will help keep individuals and families out of harms way. This will also offer a place where local homeless people and families can come for a meal or clothing.
Either donate an amount your heart is burdened to donate or sponsor this project by giving a loan. We need help immediately to bring this Hotel for Hope to an immediate reality.
There are Three (3) challenges:
(1) Donate any amount to Charlies Angels Outreach;
(2) Take the $5.00 donation challenge by donating $5.00 to Charlies Angels Outreach and ask others to match your $5.00 donation to Charlies Angels Outreach; and/or
(3) Become a monthly donor making an set amount of a donation to Charlies Angels Outreach each month. This challenge involves you giving a donation and then challenging a friend or family member to do the same.
... Or, you can donate a lot more to help bring this project to reality. It's that simple!
Our hope is to give these people and their families a time to rebuild and stabilize their lives to have a better future. For the homeless, hopefully they will never be homeless again, but even if they slip, we will be here to lift them up again. No person is expendable. For those who are victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse, we offer comfort, time for healing, and security and protection to give them the time needed to heal. We will be a safe haven environment for all people who will be surrounded by loving family and friends and social worker support.

"Without sacrifices, you don't have achievements; Without achievements, you can't appreciate the sacrifices." Author, A. DeLeo
The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon,
but that we wait so long to begin it." Author, V. M. Lewis